Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm a movie star !

Mama took this when I was a happy chatty baby.

Dada feeding me...

Mama decided it was time for someone else to feed me. She said it was a practice session before I go to my babysitter's next week. So Dada fed me for the first time !

Friday, October 12, 2007

My brother, Nigel

My big brother is really sweet. One morning, Mama asked Nigel to look after me whilst she was in the kitchen getting things ready for me. Nigel talked to me and even tucked the blanket for me. I, of course, kicked it off and Nigel proceeded to tell Mama , "Mama, Matthew's tootsies are peeking out of the blanket !". Anyway, he played with his Lego and told me all about them.

Monday, October 8, 2007

i was a happy baby on sunday morning. had my milk and was watching mama read the papers. then of course, true to my ellis genes, i had to strike up a conversation. mama talked to me and played peekaboo with me.
mama got an even wider-grin picture of me that she took on her phone-camera. she sent it to aunty V and .. aunty V said i had "hamster cheeks".
i seem to be accumulating nicknames .. chunky monkey, hamster and mama calls me "pork chops".

Friday, October 5, 2007

lie-in with mama

we all woke up early one morning and decided to have a lie down on the sofa.