Saturday, January 19, 2008


They called it terrible twos .. then .. it never stopped. tyky threes ...frightening fours .. frustrating fives .. six ? ...

We've been having a spell of bad behaviour from Nano. Till the point of teacher in school had enough ... and had to call us. That's how bad it got to. Not sure if it's because we had him home before Xmas and in the New Year, he was home with us too because he was sick.

Plenty of talking-tos, scoldings, smacks on his leg ....

Keeping our fingers crossed now ..

Christmas ...

It's my first Christmas ... I don'y know what the fuss is all about. My big brother, 哥哥, Nigel seems terribly excited about it. He had been counting down the days to Xmas and got even more excited when someone called Santa replied to his letter.

Anyway, whatever it is, I got to spend the day with Mama and Dada. I like the rustly wrapping papers .. but Mama won't like me have them. I am sure they taste good with all different flavours !!